Monday, March 23, 2009


I have mixed feelings. I am the number one culprit when it comes to self disclosure. Especially with people that i trust. I tend to trust very early, but not very often. I am coming to realize that the most important people in my life are those that are willing to return the favor.
The goal of the life groups are to break down the walls. To help you realize and undestand that you are not alone in all of this stuff that is called life. EVERYONE needs that one someone. No matter how terrible your secrets or how important you think it is to keep things to yourself. We were not created to be alone. No matter what the belief of the culture, no matter how private you think things SHOULD be. Sometimes, what we think might be the best advice under the worst circumstances should not be so. These things only make you feel alone and like you have to do things yourself to fix it, and that's just not the case.
The ability to give emotionally to the right person in times of turmoil and trouble are what make us realize that we cannot and should not deal with everything ourselves.
Normally, my "sharing" extends to the same two people (notice how the number has dropped from 4 to 2). Being in this life group means that i will need to be vulnerable with way more people on a very deep level. It's very easy to think that this would be a bad idea, but i have been talking to people who are doing it/have done it, and the confidentiality of people who really want to grow and become better people/christians is amazing!
The bottom line for me is that i am desperate to dig myself out of this hole of loneliness i have been in. Sharing with even the people that i share with has been helpful and encouraging. Branching out, and reaching people who may have the same problems as me, is even more encouraging. You would be surprised what's out there once you start speaking what's on your heart.

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