Monday, June 9, 2008


I feel like I have spent most of my life waiting for something....or somebody. When I was a kid I waited for my parents to get a divorce. In junior high, I waited for a friend that I could relate to. a teacher that would be nice to me. in high school, I waited for a date for Homecoming, Sweetheart Ball, various dances that I helped plan but usually only attended for the clean up after. I waited for my father to get it together. I waited to finish college. I waited to have sex. I waited for the boy that I have always wanted to date. As of right now, waiting has proven to be very, very painful. Some of the things I have waited for have panned out. Quite well. My dad came around and we're getting closer. I finally made it to a dance with a great guy and was even crowned prom queen. I found friends. Friends who get me. Friends who are where I am and continuing to grow with me. Sounds like most of it works out. So maybe I should just wait to see what will happen next. I'm just tired of waiting for the one something. The one somebody.....

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