Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I'm the kind of person who always believed that God has something bigger for me--better for me. I believe that my life is led by Him, and His desire for me. I believe that some of it, probably most of it, are choices made by me. The hard part about believing in God and having to choose sometimes for yourself is that you never really know beyond a shadow of a doubt if the direction you're going is guided by God or guided by your/self/actions/decisions.
Sometimes, i wonder how people can believe in something that they cannot see. But we believe in love don't we? If you've lived at all, you know that love is not always tangible. Sometimes it is never tangible with some people. The times that love is tangible, you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is love. I believe that i know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God exists. Can i explain it? No. But i see it everyday in the sunshine. In the clouds. In the worry in my mother's eyes. The way my dad hugs me. In my favorite flower. In Texas springs and summers. In the fiercely cold days of winter that lead to Texas springs and summers. In friends who love me and care for me and about me. I see God through all of this. And as i decide to embark on another degree with all that i have behind me, this faith, however misguided some believe it to be, will carry me over, through, beyond whatever comes next.
I have to believe that what i am doing next is what God has for me to do next. If i had my fears and doubts and never did anything, i would still be in the same place. Right?
Faith without works is dead.

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